What is the correct way to read a manga?

Reading manga is different than reading a comic, book, or magazine in English.

Learning to read manga in a right to left and then up to down sequence, correctly interpreting panel elements, and exploring characters' emotions by familiarizing yourself with some common emotional iconography will help you get the most from your raw manga.

  • Image source: How to Read Manga

Read panels from right to left and in an up to down sequence.

Like the pages of manga, individual panels should be read in a right to left sequence. Start reading each page by beginning with the panel that is in the upper right hand corner of the page. Read right to left and when you reach the edge of the page, go to the panel in the far-right of the following row of panels.

  • If the panels are all arranged vertically, begin with the topmost panel.
  • Even if the panels don't line up perfectly, stick to the right to left rule. Begin with the highest row or column and make your way - right to left - to the lowest row or column
  • Image source :How to Read Manga

Read dialog balloons from right to left and up to down.

Dialog balloons, which contain conversational text between characters, should also be read in a right to left sequence. Begin in the upper right hand corner of the individual panel and read the dialog balloons from right to left, and then up to down.

Source: KissManga